What’s the Gword?

De Great Merge is Merging Massives

3 min readApr 24, 2022

Week 3 of De Great Merge just concluded in the Gworld Ecosystem. Each week of De Great Merge, Gworld Ecosystem highlights an early TBILL investor with a known presence in the crypto community and NFT space. This week was Michelle Whitedove’s turn, Michelle is widely known as the psychic medium whose spiritual connections guided her toward the Theta Network and continue to guide her predictions on many forms of cryptocurrencies, TBILL included. TBILL has been included on her monthly crypto patreon report, which readers can subscribe to here. The honor of TBILL being highlighted in MWD’s report led the design team behind the TBILL NFT Multipliers and Gtwins to create a one of kind NFT sticker, showcasing Michelle Whitedove as her very own Gtwin.

Michelle WhiteDove NFT Sticker

Whether it was the stickers imagery, her large patreon following, or the fact that she ended the raffle on 4/22/22, the psychic medium took the lead in NFT sticker sales, selling 79,799 stickers. With 60% of sticker sales going to charity, this collaboration between Michelle Whitedove and the GWorld Ecosystem raised $478,794.00 for Whitedoves chosen charity, Save the Children. This incredible fundraiser will help make a positive impact in the lives of children all over the world, children who may feel like the world is against them will now have a little bit more in their lives thanks to your generosity. The funds raised will help volunteers to feed, clothe, shelter, protect, and educate these children leading to a lasting change and a better future.

The community also began to see some merging action among the massive multipliers this week with the merge of BigDog111 and Michelle Whitedove massive multipliers. This combo creates the first 3x on 4Million TBILL NFT Multiplier! It’ll be incredible to see if this merging takes in another massive multiplier and we can’t wait to see if anyone will gather 5 Multipliers, creating an incredible 4x on 10Million TBILL NFT Multiplier.

This week there were some pretty pricey listings for massive multipliers on OpenTheta.io but so far only one has sold. One of the Alienlike massive multipliers sold this week on 4/22 for 1,300,000 Tfuel or $216,266, at the time it was sold. That sounds like it was a very successful payout and definitely one to celebrate, congratulations are in order for both parties in this deal. Now we’re all just waiting to see if/when this Alienlike massive multiplier will be merged and will it merge to create another massive 3x or could this be the missing multiplier our first merger has been waiting for, building up to the mega massive 4x, I don’t know about you all but I can’t wait to see what happens over the next two weeks!

Alienlike Massive Multiplier NFT Sale




Crypto Investor, NFT Collector, Animal Lover. Here to share my thoughts on my favorite cyrpto and metaverse projects.